Organize your bookmarks in Google Chrome to restore your sanity

We live in it A chaotic era. The stock market is unpredictable, and the political landscape is similar to a minefield. For anyone looking for more sanity, even if your brain is scattered, there is a way to stay more organized, at least on Google Chrome.
Since the browser was launched in 2008, the browser’s bookmarking system has been a key part of Chrome, and it is a feature that is easily overlooked. However, if you don’t use it, you should understand how it works because it’s a godsend.
Chrome’s bookmarking system is modeled based on the folder structure on the computer. You can build folders to organize bookmarked web pages, filter lists or folders to display, and drag and drop them in different places.
To access all bookmark side panels, click All bookmarks In the upper right corner of Chrome browser, then select the first option: Open side panel to view all bookmarks. You can then create folders (and subfolders) for your favorite websites, Google Docs, research bookmarks, web applications you often use, banking websites, or almost anything.
Why bother? While it may be easy to recklessly give up dragging the website URL to the bookmark bar, very fast links can quickly become crowded. It is also not searchable or easy to organize. All bookmark side panels help you find saved websites faster while also keeping everything neatly. Even long-time Chrome users, using the sidebar will find some benefits. As we’ve seen, this may take a little work, but the rewards are worth it.
Get started with all bookmarks side panels
Most of us may have saved dozens of bookmarks, if not hundreds. The good news is that you can start using all bookmark side panels at any time.
It is best to create the home folder first. Open the side panel and click New folder Options. Named folders can help you keep content organized, such as “research” or “bank website”. My folders are very fine. I have folders for Tiktok users I like, new browser-based apps, movies and TV shows, and products I’m considering buying. Each of these folders contains all my bookmarks related to the topic, making them easier to find. You can also create subfolders. For example, in my research folder, I have subfolders of “New Science”, “Video Games”, and “Books”. You can even create subfolders in subfolders, but that’s the largest.
In the All Bookmarks side panel, you can view folders alphabetically, from the latest to the oldest (or VICE), or open at the end. Just click on the small below sort arrow at the top of the side panel. There is also a toggle for compact views (more condensed) or visual views (showing larger thumbnails for each folder and bookmark).
There is a tiny pencil icon that once clicked, it can perform some powerful functions. You can delete folders and bookmarks and move them to other folders, but it also allows you to open each bookmark in the folder at once.