Tech News

Bruinsky offers new privacy settings for users

Bluesky is working to provide users with more control over their privacy. The company released Proposals about Github An outlines the changes the company is considering making.

“The draft describes how ATPROTO accounts (such as Bluesky users) declare “intention” (also known as preferences) for certain categories of their public content. Mechanisms and expectations on the network are similar to robots.txt files: a machine-readable format that a good participant should abide by and does have moral weights but is legally not enforceable”

This is quite a lot of technical speeches, but the meaning is obvious. robots.txt is a file for most websites, including that file, that tells bots that can scratch the Internet and what they can do with the data they find in the process. Bluesky will implement setups that enable users to tell the same bots what they can and can’t do with Bluesky data.


Can Stan Twitter be recreated on the Blues? Swifties think so.

It’s a little sticky, because robots.txt is a suggestion, not a hard rule. But for now, Bluesky is a public website, so the generated AI platform and other forms of data scraping (such as Google Search) can rule over what they find there for free.

This was briefly discussed last week at South By South in the Southwest, Bluesky Head Honcho Jay Graber, but when Graber, the discussion drew more attention Posted information about it on the blues On Friday. Every TechCrunchsome users were initially warned until the crawler Explained the situation More concise.

Mixable light speed

“AI Gen Companies has scratched public data across the network, and everything on the Blues is as open as the website is,” Graber said. “But in the history of open networks, standards like robots.txt show that most search engines are respected. This is a suggestion to create a new, similar standard.”

Companies scratch global networks for training to generate AI is a controversy as old as technology, and many digital residents have been trying to try Prevent AI from learning based on its content. Some companies, such as Meta, have been accused of using poor methods of training AI models, To include pirated version.

This is a reality that the robbers have been unwavering. Last week at SXSW, Graber wore a reading t-shirt Mundus sine caesaribus (Latin “a world without Caesar”) in similar t-shirt Mark Zuckerberg Automatic Zuck Aut Nihil (“Zuck or Nothing”).

Bruinsky sells robbers Mundus T-shirts on their website Sold out in a few minutes.

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