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James Bond: Best Order to Watch 007 Movies

James Bond’s movie “Catalog” is big – 25 movies in the official 007 Canon and two other movies. From No in 1962 to No Time to 2021, six different actors have played the film secret agents for six decades. If it’s brand new to you, it seems a bit daunting.

Daniel Craig’s 007 is the most recent 007, which stands out among many people, especially the newer Bond Observer, as the face of the secret agent. He starred in five of these films, while Sean Connery (James Bond) was seven films, Roger Moore’s Seven, Five, Pierce Brosnan, and Timothy Dalton’s Duo is George Razby.

So, besides the Craig era, there is a lot of exploration. Where to start? And where do you go from there? Of course, you can watch the drama release date since 1962 in chronological order, but unlike the MCU, a notable feature of the bond series is that, in most cases, there is little continuity or narrative arc. We must also warn you that some really clumsy gems are mixed with gems.

This guide is shaken, treated without excitement, bounces from time to time to actors to actors, guides you through the most important Bond movies and gives you tips on where to go from there. The two of us have been watching Bond movies for decades, almost the entire era is all over the era, so we have strong ideas about the effects and the things that fail. Let’s get into it.

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