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NASA’s rovers just discovered similar rocks across from Mars

The aliens are not Terra’s Mars, but one of NASA’s wanderers has just discovered something with a strange texture that might attract cauliflower lovers for a double attraction.

Curiosity is a small Cooper-sized wheel lab that, a few days ago, a navigation camera in March this year discovered some Martian rocks, unlike anyone else. Scientists who led the expedition team on the mobile station said they had never seen anything like this on the Red Planet.

“Oh, my earth,” anthropomorphizes Curiosity Account Publish On X. “What are these blocky rocks?”

But curiosity is not the only one with a geological mystery. Meanwhile, about 2300 miles on the other side of the earth, Perseverance discovered another kind of bumpy rock, calling for celebrities.”Mars Blueberry“In 2004, the opportunity wanderer discovered.


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Curiosity took a close-up photo of a strangely bumpy rock found on Mars in March.

Curiosity has traveled about 352,000,020 miles since its launch in 2011: Some 352 million Shiver space There are 20 more on rusty terrain. Currently, it is heading to an undeveloped part of Gale Crater called the “boxing” area, which most likely requires warm groundwater to form eons.

Curiosity is often surpassed by the perseverance of its young twin roamers, and earlier this week, based on a monumental discovery of one of its rock samples, stole the focus of attention. Among them, researchers discovered the largest organic molecules on Mars, suggesting that the chemical reactions required for life may be progressing than previously thought. Molecules containing long-chain carbon atoms may be part of fatty acids and are a key component of the Earth’s lifespan.

Despite the discovery of organic molecules, publishing exist Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences On Monday, not a proof of life, it does encourage scientists that other more complex molecules associated with life are still likely to be on Mars. Previously, researchers were skeptical about whether such evidence could be retained after millions of years of radiation and environmental changes.

Mixable light speed

It can be said that curiosity will not be underestimated by its scientific value. The team gave the official name of the new rock of curiosity – Manzana Creek and Palo Comado, and took photos of the record. According to the image at the top of this story, the vertical surface is jagged and “many crazy rough texture”. Mission magazine.

Perseverance finds a bumpy rock on Mars

Perseverance found a bumpy rock on the edge of the Jezero crater in March.

“The rocks combine wind and water over time, resulting in the cool texture we see today,” curious project scientist Abigail Fraeman told Mashable.

On the other hand, the bumpy rock of perseverance looks more like a bunch of miniature peas than cauliflower. It is covered with millimeter-sized beads, some pierced with tiny pinholes. The rover found rocks, officially known as the Bay of St. Paul, surrounding the edge of the Jezero Crater.

It seems that both sightings of the two homeless people have put their humans in trouble.

“What geology can produce these weird shapes?” wrote Alex Jones, a researcher who works on the Mars 2020 Mission team, wrote in a blog post.

Perseverance discovers the rocks of St. Paul's Bay on Mars

A piece of Mars rock known as St. Paul’s Bay stands out in gray in reddish-brown terrain.

As water flows through them, spherical features form on the rocks, creating mineral structures over time. But they can also be formed in other ways, such as in volcanic eruptions and meteorite strikes. When a volcano or impact throws drops of molten rock into the air, they cool down while traveling, hardening in the ball.

Scientists will continue to use the tools they can use on the Wanderers to study rocks, but the discovery underscores NASA’s desire to bring samples back to Earth for more rigorous research.

Currently, the space agency is trying to figure out how to save it Mars sample return missionplan to collect rock, dust and air with perseverance. NASA will spend next year on engineering plans to address two potential new approaches that are considered less complex and expensive.

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