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Content creators spend $340 on a cup of coffee, and there is a lot to say about it

A content creator allocated £265 (equivalent to $340) on a cup of coffee and then shared his true feelings about it on social media.

According to news agency SWNS, Carmie Sellitto, 26, stumbled upon a luxury coffee shop.

Sellitto was expecting an expensive cup, but when he spotted the Japanese Typica Typica Natural Coffee on the menu it was shocked with a staggering £265, about $343, change. (See the video at the top of this article.)

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SWN reported that the drink is made from Typica Bean and is a Japanese bean that is considered one of the most expensive coffee drinks in the UK.

Sellitto ordered the drink anyway, although it was expensive.

The menu shows the price of £265 for the Japanese Typica Natural Coffee. This is equivalent to $340. (@touchdalight/swns)

In the end, he said, he couldn’t tell the difference between his expensive beer and his friend’s £4 ($5.18) ice latte.

“The waiter even joked, saying, ‘Make sure you don’t mix them and start laughing,” Sellitto told Fox News Digital.

“It really overwhelms me because I thought, ‘Imagine if I accidentally drank the wrong person.'”

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Sellitto said once he started drinking, he “gets chicken skin.”

He told Fox News Digital: “I can’t tell if it’s really that good or the fact that I just spent £265.”

Split screens show Carmie Sellitto's first attempt at Japanese Typica natural coffee.

Carmie Sellitto tried expensive iced coffee for the first time. (@touchdalight/swns)

In his video review, Sellitto criticizes coffee.

“It doesn’t even like coffee,” he said.

“It tastes like some kind of fruit.”

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By the time he finished the job, Sellitto said he was “really disappointed” throughout the experience.

“As the ice starts to melt, the drink becomes weaker and by the end, it’s not as rich as I first started drinking,” Selitoto told Fox News Digital.

Carmie Sellitto looked disappointed after drinking expensive coffee.

Sellitto couldn’t hide his disappointment after trying a very expensive cup of coffee. (@touchdalight/swns)

“This stands out from the experience.”

Finally, he scored 5 out of 10 points.

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He told SWNS that he “will not buy it again.”

“Honestly, I think I can be better than that,” he said.

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