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On the dark coast of the wild, secrets of family guards and apocalyptic seed bank

Imagine you’re stationed on an extremely remote island that’s gradually being swallowed up by the rising sea – completely isolated from the rest of the world outside of wildlife, with a few family members with you – one day a half-dead woman washed the shore on the shore without providing any regard for who she is, where she came from and why. This situation is Wild dark shore Start and immediately noticeable.

Dominic lives with his three children on Shearwater Island, a global seed bank and research base for eight years. But due to climate change, seeds are in danger with permanent freezing and sea levels rising, threatening to submerge the vault. All researchers left the base, and Dominic’s family would soon, but they had to pack up the selected seeds first. When Rowan appears, everything becomes more subversive and it will soon be clear that both sides will be kept secretly.

I can’t help but think of it lighthouse Sometimes when reading this article, characters struggle to deal with elements, isolation, doubt, and complex feelings about each other, except that their personal losses stem from grief. It’s both unforgettable and incredible, and another novel I hope to sit among my favorites of the year.

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