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Protests demand for “economic power outage” have some celebrities support

A grassroots group called for a 24-hour “economic blackout” and urged people not to shop at major retailers on Friday as a form of protest against companies, politicians and banks – a social media-driven movement has attracted attention among several celebrities.

The one-day economic protest requires people across the country not to buy online or in stores across the country, but only to buy essentials such as food, medicine and emergency supplies in small local physical businesses.

“No Amazon, no Walmart, no Best Buy,” the group, People’s Union, state It is website. “One day, we showed them the people who really have power.”

Founded by activist John Schwarz, the group has no affiliation with political parties on its website, but points out that its focus is on fighting corruption in government and companies.

An article that Schwarz promoted the protests received nearly 200,000 likes on Instagram.

“Mega Corporations drive prices, underworkers and outsourcing work while making record profits,” the website reads. “The left and right of the politicians accepted corporate bribes, passed laws serving billionaires, ignoring the needs of the people they claimed to represent. The system is designed to keep us powerless, but it’s over now.”

It is unclear how the organization will determine whether the boycott will be successful or any impact on the bottom line of retailers in the country.

The group’s first event called for a day to stop any shopping, and the group plans to organize more companies-specific actions.

“For those who are united, tomorrow we will make history,” Schwartz Instagram videos Posted Thursday. “Hold the line. If you go out and see people shopping, don’t be discouraged. If you see stores open, busy, and business as usual, don’t waver.”

Friday’s economic protests have won the support of some public figures, who have also encouraged their fans and followers to participate in the shopping blackout.

Actor and comedian John Leguizamo wrote in him: “This is the power we exercise Latin Americans.” Facebook page Wednesday. Leguizamo described the protests in his post as opposing the current Trump administration.

Last week, singer and actress Bette Midler also shared a picture that encouraged her to blackout Instagram Account,,,,,

“Don’t shop!” she wrote in the post. “If you need it, turn to the local small business!”

Author Stephen King also expressed support.

“Don’t buy things on February 28,” he wrote on the social media site. “Resist.”

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