Android News

Your Bad Companion App Will Evict Your Customers | JuhaniLehtimäki

Recently, another car company posted the upcoming unreleased car app on Twitter:

I can’t help asking if they’re using a team that really knows how to build an application:

The answer is promising:

But there are not many results! Today, the app started and I took a look. What we found…we are used to the same bad application designs we see with Companion Apps. It’s a pity.

Let’s take a closer look at the Fisker app.

Although I picked Fisker here, it is indeed a broader question. Their app has symptoms of almost everything that can be wrong when building a companion app, so this is a great example.

Maybe, maybe, the CEO or CEO of some hardware company will see this later, and when a bad institution is coming up with these ideas, they know to show them the door right away.

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